Our fantastic buck, Fairywood CS D'Artagnan
(Flying Goat Cassanova *S x Bamboo Acres BP Mariposa)
has been bred to the following does for February 2012 babies!

(Big Enuf SI Image of the Moon x Fairywood Angel Cake)
Above picture is last year - first freshening. Ginger had triplets, and gave us about 6-7 cups of milk a day.
(Big Enuf SI Image of the Moon x Fairywood Dark Chocolate)
Paris is huge this year! Her dam has had triplets and quads every freshening, I'm wondering if Paris is getting ready to follow in her footsteps! Last year Paris had twins that had a very rough start. We lost one, and bottle fed the other for two weeks before putting him back with his mama. Paris did a fine job with him, but with such little use, her udder did not develop as we had hoped. Still, it was nice and soft and so easy to milk out. I can't wait to see what it does this time!
(Big Enough SI Image of the Moon x Desertwinds SN Desert Hibiscus)
This little doe has milk in her genes and they really came through! She is just gorgeous, and was giving nearly a quart per milking on her first freshening! Her dam gives us an easy half gallon a day, and she throws the most gorgeous babies too. Storm was Grand Champion Nigerian at the Maricopa County Fair 4H show last year!

(Big Enough SI Image of the Moon x Desertwinds SN Desert Hibiscus)
Faline is another Hibiscus daughter and is at least as pretty as Storm! She is a wildly colored buckskin pinto with moonspots, and is so refined and smooth with a long neck and body and really level topline. She only had one kid her first freshening, which did not live long, and I really think she was still too small. She started out as a very tiny doe and is still pretty small, though she is a nice mature size now. In spite of all that though, her first freshening udder was very proportional to her, and very nicely shaped and attached. I can't wait to see how she does this year! It looks like she won't kid until later in the spring - perhaps towards the end of March or April.
Fairywood IM Thumbelina
(Big Enough SI Image of the Moon x Prairie Wood Mocha Frapachino)
I need to get a picture of this tiny, feisty little doe! She was seriously tiny at birth, but full of life and spirit! She is a sturdy little thing, and though still very small, I'm hoping she'll do fine. I didn't breed her until she was well over a year old in hopes of better success. Her dam is classic Prairie Wood, with lots of milk in her lines, giving 6 or 7 cups of milk a day.
Fairywood IM Blackbird
(Big Enough SI Image of the Moon x Fairywood Dark Chocolate)
Full sister to Paris (above) Blackbird is solid black and so very pretty. She was kind of awkward looking as a doeling, and I wasn't particularly fond of her - neither was anyone else so she stayed here with us, and I am so glad! I was kind of worried about her teats, which are not perfectly shaped, but after kidding, oh my, this doe has the most buttery soft, easy to milk udder I have ever felt! Plus, she has turned out to be smooth and refined with a nice long neck, straight legs and back, and an overall very feminine look. She has the sweetest personality too, calm and quiet yet very affectionate - I have quite fallen in love with her!